Downcast's CarPlay support is currently awaiting review now available in the App Store! This is an exciting addition for Downcast. You've been asking for this for a long time and it's finally here.

I want to provide a few details about using Downcast with CarPlay so everyone knows what to expect and what not to expect.


CarPlay is meant to be safe and easy to use. To ensure that, Apple has limited customization of the UI. This is why you'll find that most audio apps on CarPlay are quite similar. I can't change the font, move labels around, add additional labels, or customize the now playing screen. These things just aren't possible at this time, and that's probably a good thing.

Limited List Items

Downcast limits lists in CarPlay to a maximum of 100 items. This is an arbitrary decision meant to control performance and improve safety. If this creates a problem for you, I suggest creating a playlist on your iPhone with appropriate episode inclusion settings to make a manageable list.

Downcast also limits lists in CarPlay to include only ready-to-play episodes. That includes those that are marked for streaming, are downloaded, or queued for downloading.

As always, if you run into a problem, please submit your log file as soon as possible afterward: More tab > Help & Feedback > Submit Log File.